Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snowed in

   This is only the third time in my life that I can remember snow falling at such a rate that there was thunder and lightning. I made a cup of coffee and put on my Carhart snow suit to go across the street for a news paper, but I got to the corner of the street and could see that the store had not even opened.
  I remember the blizzard of '78, but even that was not as difficult to walk through. This snow is heavy and wet. Usually, this wet, and heavy snow passes more quickly than light dry snow, but this is piling up very fast.


Monday, January 3, 2011


  I got my hiking merit badge in Boy Scouts while we were on Nantucket, we walked for ten miles a day for the first five days, ending each hike at a beach where we could cool down. We skipped the hike on the sixth day, but on the seventh day we did a twenty mile hike. So that is a total of seventy miles in a week. It really wasn't too hard, I was still young and in good shape.
  Nantucket is about 30 miles long, and 10 miles across. So we had to zig zag to be able to get in all those miles. On that island, blue berries grow everywhere, so when we got back from a day of hiking one time, the whole troop were making blue berry pies in ovens they built out of stones. That amazed me, but we really learned how to camp in Boy Scouts.
  I met a girl from Switzerland on one 10 mile hike, she showed up for days at the beach where we usually ended our hikes, but the Scout Master changed our plans on the last day and we ended up somewhere else. I never saw her again. All I knew was her first name.
